Our Partners
Driving our missions forward
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
The numerical modelling required to ensure our mission concepts are feasible and robust means we need to use the best data. NASA currently distributes the most accurate models of planetary atmospheres in the Solar System, and they have provided access to our team so that we can make sure our missions would perform as expected once they reach their destinations.
Northrop Grumman
Conex Research has contributed to the discussion of next-generation space infrastructure through our Arcanum mission, which has pushed the limits of the mass which can be transported to the outer Solar System. Northrop Grumman, alongside the International Astronautical Federation, recognised this work through a Space Infrastructure Award and provided funding to support further research into the concept.
Designing individual instruments requires engineers and scientists to come together to create and validate a design that is both feasible and capable of delivering a set of scientific objectives. The ability for our members to use Zemax OpticStudio through the Zemax Global Academic Program helps ensure that the Conex-designed Arcanum Telescope is capable of delivering the main scientific objectives of the Arcanum mission.
zemax.comDassault Systèmes
The design of space missions requires a large number of engineers and scientists to work together to create a mission architecture that is both feasible and capable of delivering a set of scientific objectives. The ability for our members to use Solidworks through the Solidworks for Entrepreneurs Program helps ensure that Conex-designed systems are capable of delivering on their scientific objectives.
Sparx Systems
Clearly communicating complex mission architectures, both within our large distributed team and to the space science and engineering community, requires clear and digestible messaging and diagrams. Model-based systems engineering is one highly effective method to accomplish this, and Enterprise Architect offers one of the best MBSE tools available. Sparx Systems provide us with licences for this, which allow us to make our mission architecture clear.
Accurately calculating the trajectory of interplanetary spacecraft is one of the key drivers of space mission engineering, and the delta-V our spacecraft will need to get to their science goals is strongly coupled to the size of the science instrumentation we can take. Ansys STK and Astrogator are among the best tools in the industry to plot these trajectories, transfer times, and spacecraft delta-V, and our astrodynamics teams use these tools through licences provided by Tukom.
Model-based Systems Engineering is critical in communicating system and mission architectures. One MBSE solution, which is cloud-based and ideal for collaborative working amongst a distributed team, is Innoslate. Innoslate provides Conex Research with licences which means we can coordinate our international work, and ensure the most efficient interfacing of information between teams.
Sydereal Space
There are lots of things which need to go right to make sure a realistic mission proposal gets produced. We design all aspects of a mission proposal, perfectly capturing the flowdown of science requirements to enabling instrumentation and mission architecture. The guidance and mentorship of Sydereal Space has been essential in developing the award-winning mission design process we use.

One of the best parts of space science and engineering is outreach, and it's important to have fun and engaging material in order to do this. Jundroo is a games development studio behind simulation games and through their sponsorship, we use SimpleRockets to help explain the basics of space missions to a wider audience.
jundroo.comInterested in working with us?
There's many ways we could work together. If your company would like to partner with us, please get in touch.
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